Testimonial: Allergy

To all who may read this, I have been plagued with allergies for as long as I can remember. I had been through the allergy shots for at least ten years when I was young and into my adult years. As I got older I acquired more allergies. An allergy is your body’s way of...

Testimonial: Cat Allergy

I have been allergic to cats all my life. Within ten minutes of entering a home with a cat, I would start with itchy eyes and throat, runny nose and sneezing. It was as if I had a full-blown cold. I became aware of acupuncture as a possible cure. I must admit I was...

Testimonial: Allergy

I wanted to truly thank “Rusty” Gaffney and her wonderful staff for diagnosing, treating and getting rid of my allergies. Including many allergies I didn’t even recognize as such. Every day at work I would get a headache across my forehead and a very...

Testimonial: Allergy

I cannot thank you enough for taking the time and putting me through the allergy procedure. For the first time, in many years, I was able to attend a weekend of banquets and not worry about getting sick or just not eating. Weeks ago I spent three days in New Orleans;...

Testimonial: Allergies with Dogs

Dear Rusty, I waited so long since my return from Belgium to inform you – to my greatest pleasure – about my “allergies with dogs”. Just before leaving for Belgium last June, you treated me one more time for this problem I’m living with almost my entire life:...