A Lesson Learned

A Lesson Learned

You might have seen me hobbling around last month. I learned a lesson when delivering a Christmas Tree to my mom; when you pick up those darling Christmas trees in an urn, grab them from the bottom. Yep, you guessed it, the urn landed on my foot — cracked it and I...
Will I Be Traveling to Mars?

Will I Be Traveling to Mars?

No, I will not. NASA and government agencies have been researching Acupuncture for the last decade. France, China, and Russia already have used acupuncture in space to treat and prevent several conditions. Astronauts can experience symptoms such as “space...

Summer Meridians

Summer is the only season that governs four meridians, while the other seasons have only two. The acupuncture points for these meridians are on the hands and arms. And as usual, these meridians connect with the others. The Heart Meridian works with the blood vessels...

The Benefits of Organic Eating

Our family has been eating organic foods, belonging to Organic Co-ops and growing our own veggies before they were even called “organic.” To us, it was simply good food. It is easier now for anybody to get organic veggies, fruit, eggs, meat, milk or anything...

Thyroid Problems & Teflon

It seems more and more women come to the clinic with thyroid problems as one of their primary health issues. So many are still tired, can’t lose weight, have brittle hair and nails, constipation — the list goes on. We have a checklist in our office that lists 27...