Dear Rusty,
I waited so long since my return from Belgium to inform you – to my greatest pleasure – about my “allergies with dogs”.

Just before leaving for Belgium last June, you treated me one more time for this problem I’m living with almost my entire life: “Staying away from dogs” to avoid asthma attacks and puffy eyes, a real misery.

Well, this time: to my astonishment I didn’t get any negative reaction, moreover – I forgot my Zyrtec – and didn’t take anything.

My two daughters over there have both dogs and cats, well, I pet them, played with them – UNBELIEVABLE! My daughters couldn’t believe their eyes, the first time they could keep their dogs inside, in the same room as me. And, one of the little dogs became my beloved pet and friend with whom I Skype every week.

This story to say: THANK YOU, because for years now, you tried to help and something wouldn’t let go, until your last treatment in June 2011; a date to remember!

I feel so much better, more secure to go visiting friends with dogs. The bottom line: never give up, and it will happen! It did.

Merci beaucoup, Rusty you are a wonderful healer. Nicole Dumond, September 18, 2011