Articles, Blog, Newsletter, Pain
You might have seen me hobbling around last month. I learned a lesson when delivering a Christmas Tree to my mom; when you pick up those darling Christmas trees in an urn, grab them from the bottom. Yep, you guessed it, the urn landed on my foot — cracked it and I...
Blog, Chronic Pain, Newsletter, Pain, Testimonials
This hundred-page document CDC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Pain, United States 2022 was released in November. The exciting part is that Acupuncture is mentioned many times for treating acute and chronic pain. Doctors are now referring...
Allergies, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Pain, Stress, Testimonials
I have been going to Dr. Rusty since October 2017 to kick a decade long addiction to PRESCRIBED Rx pain pills. I still have fibromyalgia pain and still struggle with flareups at times, but my pain, stress, and anxiety are better managed with Dr. Rusty’s help...
Arthritis, Articles, Grain Brain, Injuries, Newsletter, Pain
We treat a lot of knee, hip and back pain in our clinic. People try over-the-counter drugs or prescription drugs for pain, usually with no or little relief. So, if you are suffering from knee, hip or back pain, be sure you have not torn anything by checking with your...