Acuset, Articles, Testimonials
A note from Dr. Rusty: Acupuncture has been accepted beyond my wildest dreams. Just when I think I can’t be even more surprised – I AM! I purchased computerized diagnostic equipment, this is the test I use for the AcuSET treatments – to identify sensitivities. I had...Arthritis, Articles, Carpal Tunnel, Chronic Pain, Newsletter, Pain, Testimonials
The ending of 2014 did not go well for me. My entire body was in constant pain, I had carpel tunnel in my left hand. (And, I should mention that at the age of 3, I was diagnosed with polio in my left leg that left me with a limp and a drop foot.) Not long ago, my...Back pain, Colds, Testimonials
Dr. Rusty, I just wanted to drop a small note to let you know how great I feel. I will be in this week and I will continue at a minimum once a week but my goal is twice a week. My back pain is 95% better. I feel better…I act better…OMG…Thank you. I caught a...Allergies, Digestive/Elimination, Food Allergies, Food Sensitivites, Testimonials
Two years ago, for months, I was plagued with a digestive/elimination problem that my gastroenterologists could not treat. He told me to write down everything I ate, figure out what foods caused the problem, and simply NOT eat them anymore. Meanwhile, I’d heard about...