Articles, Blog, Eating Plan, Newsletter, Spring
I am amazed at how fast time flies! It just so happens our homeopathic and herbal medicines are flying off the shelves, too! Recently, Christine and Christy were discussing how our clinic is constantly ordering homeopathic medicines and nutritional supplements, but no...Articles, Blog, Eating Plan, Newsletter, Nutrition
I am like everybody else: I have a food budget. I was concerned about the higher food costs but felt so strongly about eating organic foods. Four years ago I started eliminating grains from my diet. I did a transition process. I stopped eating cereals first. That...Articles, Blog, Eating Plan, Grain Brain, Newsletter, Seasonal Treatments
In Oriental Medicine, each Meridian has a season that represents a changing of where a different set of Meridians are active. Spring is the season for the Liver and Gall Bladder Meridians; they care for the organs of liver and gall bladder as well as the eyes, blood,...Articles, Newsletter, Pain
ONE STEP CLOSER TO INSURANCE COVERAGE — I read in ACUPUNCTURE TODAY that in November, the Joint Commission (the principal accrediting agency for health care organizations) is working on improving the access to integrative care (acupuncture is one of them)...Articles, Blog, Eating Plan, Grain Brain, Newsletter
Winter is the season for the Kidney and Blatter meridians. Foods you can eat to replenish your Kidney and Bladder Meridian, and a Yin Tonic for winter, are apples, asparagus, eggs, clams, kidney beans, walnuts, yams, lemons, tomatoes, dill, green beans, and plums....Articles, Bladder Infection, Emotions, Newsletter, Seasonal Treatments, Stress
Well, here we are again in one of the sweetest and busiest months of the year: December. It can be stressful. Is it a coincidence that the emotion for the Kidney/Bladder Meridian is fear and anxiety? Definitely not! Throughout the past year, you have read in my...