ONE STEP CLOSER TO INSURANCE COVERAGE — I read in ACUPUNCTURE TODAY that in November, the Joint Commission (the principal accrediting agency for health care organizations) is working on improving the access to integrative care (acupuncture is one of them) throughout the United States. They are elevated the potential values of “non-pharmacologic” approaches. This means we are one step closer to insurance coverage for all.ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAIN AND SLEEP — My favorite website,, reported in November that acupuncture increases u-opioid receptors ( the “feel good” chemicals I talk about) involved in the reduction of referred pain. Acupuncture relieves Fibromyalgia pain and helps sleep, too. 

ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES OF ACUPUNCTURE POINTS — A recent study at a Japanese University that featured a specialized CT scan showed acupuncture points have anatomical structures. There are real distinctions between acupuncture points and non-acupuncture points. Acupuncture points have microvascular structures and can be seen around thick blood vessels. This is very exciting news! The study documented that acupuncture reduces pain, autonomic nervous system dysfunction and mental illness in Parkinson patients. 

SUGAR 101 — Finally. let’s talk about sugar consumption. According to Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, sugar acts as a chronic, dose-dependent liver toxin (poison) when consumed in excess. We consume more than 20 times of sugar than or ancestors did! It is in almost every processed food on the market, and one of the labels it comes under is “high fructose corn syrup,” among others. For the average person there is a daily consumption of about 20 teaspoons a day. Kids are at a greater risk. Eating whole foods, not processed foods, is the best diet. Eating less sugare CAN be done, even in the typical busy lives we lead. I can help with ideas and menus if you need them! Remember: Fruit is a sugar also, and try not to consumer more than 15-25 grams of fructose a day. Check out the list on my website.