Organic Foods

I have been eating organic foods, belonging to Organic Co-ops and growing our own veggies before they were even called “organic,” just good food. It is easier now for anybody to get organic veggies, fruit, eggs, meat, milk or anything else. Want to start eating more...

For the Love of Gardening

I love to garden. Great exercise and peaceful surroundings help us to become creative. When you drive by, take a breath, look at the pretty flowers – whose purpose is to help clean the air and lighten your heart. What I don’t like is using lots of water. We use below...

No Grain Diet: 3 Weeks at a Time

Most of my patients know I favor the “no grain” diet for three weeks at a time, and now’s a great time to start! You can start now…and in three weeks when Thanksgiving comes, eat a moderate amount of your favorite things. Resume the “No Grains” diet Dec. 1...

Tips From Dr. Perlmutter

Dr. Perlmutter: Sugar and Grains Dr. Perlmutter ( writes about research that explains sugar and grain’s effect on the brain, and how they lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.* He advises eliminating grains, sugars, and processed foods…and get...