Dr. Perlmutter: Sugar and Grains

Dr. Perlmutter (www.drperlmutter.com) writes about research that explains sugar and grain’s effect on the brain, and how they lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.* He advises eliminating grains, sugars, and processed foods…and get exercise!

These simple lifestyle changes can help you live a healthy, longer life. They will save you and your family from heartache, too. We are a sick nation. Today’s generation of children will not live as long as their parents. That is a tragic first for our country.

One of the first steps is getting up and away from the television and computer. Remember when we only had three televisions stations to watch at night and no computers? We played and so did our parents! Or, at least they cleaned house and did yard work. Most of the problems we see in our clinic are due to three things: 1) drug side-effects when drugs are given to people with preventable health issues; 3) weight problems and 3) lack of exercise. So, PLEASE, take responsibility for YOUR health and life. We can help you start. There is even an Acupuncture point for willpower, and I know where it is!

(*His views on this are not embraced by the medical profession.)