Arthritis, Articles, Carpal Tunnel, Chronic Pain, Newsletter, Pain, Testimonials
The ending of 2014 did not go well for me. My entire body was in constant pain, I had carpel tunnel in my left hand. (And, I should mention that at the age of 3, I was diagnosed with polio in my left leg that left me with a limp and a drop foot.) Not long ago, my...Articles, Eating Plan, Newsletter, Summer
The best foods for the next two months are barley, celery, clams, adzuki beans, garlic, green onions, green tea, horseradish, lettuce, mushrooms, parsley, pumpkin, and radishes. Incorporate them in your daily diet and try to get seven servings of veggies a day,...Articles, Newsletter, Summer
We are still seeing patients with the summer ‘vexed’ feeling: that hot, tired, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me’ feeling. We’ve seen it more this summer than in the past. As always, a few weeks before the season changes we see symptoms coming in. In Oriental...Articles, Gluten, Newsletter, Nutrition
Miscellaneous sources of gluten: cosmetics, lipsticks/lip balm, medications, non-self-adhesive stamps and envelopes, Play-Doh, shampoos/conditioners, vitamins and supplements (check label) Gluten-free grains: amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat, corn, millet, potato,...Articles, Gluten, Newsletter, Nutrition
Grains that contain gluten: barley, bulgar, couscous, farina, graham flour, kamut, matzo, rye, semolina, spelt, triticale, wheat, wheat germ Foods that often contain gluten: bakes beans (canned) beer blue cheese bouillons/broths (commercially prepared) breaded foods...Articles, Nutrition, Summer
Eggs are a nearly perfect food and go great with your veggie salad. In fact, when eaten with greens (not iceberg lettuce), they increase nutrients. Other nutrients are better absorbed when eggs are eaten with salads. But remember, cooking affects the nutrients in...