Articles, Colds, Newsletter, Summer
The flavor of Late Summer is sweet. Of course, people love ice cream this time of year; but ice cream is damp in nature. It causes our blood sugar to drop during the night, so if you eat it, do so right after dinner, not before bed. And, add nuts or eat a protein with...Anxiety, Articles, Emotions, Newsletter
Last month I told you I had heard the definition of FEAR, which was described to me as, “Fully Expecting Awful Results.” Boy, did that get attention! Thanks for reading my blog and emails. As a result of that idea I shared, I got wonderful positive words...Gluten, Grain Brain, Recipes
Summertime Recipe: Quinoa (keen wa) Tabbouleh This is one of my favorite summer salads. Quinoa is a seed, though it looks, acts and tastes like a grain. 2 cups of water to 1 cup of quinoa. Boil as directed. During boiling, chop 2 tomatoes, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 onion,...Articles, Blog, Chiropractic, Cholesterol, Newsletter
From Dr. Rusty: We all need to be careful what we read on the internet and what we decide to believe. I check out lots of sites weekly. The first thing I do is check for the sources and references. That’s how we can tell if the information is correct, and not being...Articles, Blog, Newsletter, Organic Food
From Dr. Rusty: Doc and I are like everybody else, we have a food budget. I was concerned about the higher food costs but felt so strongly about eating organic foods. Four years ago, I started eliminating grains from our diet. We underwent a transition process. We...Articles, Blog, Newsletter, Supplements
XYMOGEN, the Orlando-based health sciences company, has earned Australia’s prestigious certification from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), that country’s equivalent to the U.S. Federal Drug Administration. TGA certification is internationally...