From Dr. Rusty:

Doc and I are like everybody else, we have a food budget. I was concerned about the higher food costs but felt so strongly about eating organic foods. Four years ago, I started eliminating grains from our diet. We underwent a transition process. We stopped eating cereals first. That saved $4 a week; I substituted eggs (local or organic) with veggies and lean meat or cheese. We also use the FIT FOOD by Xymogen most days (available at our clinic).

We switched from cows milk to almond milk (same price). With the FIT FOOD (at 6:30 a.m.) we realized we were not experiencing a blood sugar slump around 10 a.m. (so no snack needed) and were barely ready for lunch at 12:30 p.m.

Each week, I stopped buying veggies filled with pesticides/GMO processed, and bought an organic one. After a month, I noticed our food bill did not go up. I also noticed I was not throwing away veggies that were hard one day and then rotten two days later! The best thing was that the organic vegetables tasted much better. It took two years to continue this process. Still, our food bill is the same as it was five years ago. We are healthier, no joint pains and sleep better, too!

The best change we made was switching to organic butter – WOW – what a different taste!

Most of our organic food comes from the local stores and the DeLand Market. We belong to the Common Ground Farm co-op and that is the best place for the freshest food. They are signing people up for next year and their list fills up fast! Get in on this great place while you can.