Our family has been eating organic foods, belonging to Organic Co-ops and growing our own veggies before they were even called “organic.” To us, it was simply good food.
It is easier now for anybody to get organic veggies, fruit, eggs, meat, milk or anything else. If you’re interested, how should you get started?
Start out with promising to buy one new organic product per week. As you add one item each week, promise to buy fewer “grain” foods (bread, pasta), and fewer artificially sweetened, processed, sodas or junk foods.
In one year, you will be amazed at how healthy you are. And in case you’re wondering…your food bill likely will be the same! Ours was.
Local food stores are increasing the organics in response to our requests for more items and more variety. Try health food stores, join the local produce co-op. At ours, visitors can arrive for a free tour on Saturday mornings. I found joining a co-op was very cost-effective; we were not throwing out rotting veggies. We were eating them all! Co-ops like this also have classes to help you learn how to cook and prepare food in healthy ways.
Recently, I had four patients tell me they tried my plan and felt so much better in three weeks (Did you know it takes 21 days to make or break a habit?). One patient was thrilled with her results, in turn, that thrilled me! Thank you, Amy, for letting me know how well you are doing.
— Dr. Rusty