“Dedicated to Those Who Wish To Feel Better and Have A Better Quality of Life”
It has been a good 14 years since I began rolling down the rolling down the path of pain/ Back in 1995 I was sent to a rheumatologist, whom diagnosis me with Fibromyalgia. This was during the time when very little was known about it. I surfed the Internet looking for help and support from other individuals who were in the in the same stage of the disease progression as I was. After many months and thousands of dollars later I felt like giving up. My pain was more severe than it ever had been I continued to visit many different specialists in search of relief. They only managed to prescribe anti-inflammatories, steroids, antidepressants, vitamin B-12 injections, but nothing seemed to help. The bottom line was I was just not getting any better; I was just getting worse. I was told, “You are allergic to practically everything.” I was told to eliminate the products listed on my card from my diet. This was impossible for me to do. After subjecting myself to numerous doctors, I decided I would try a local chiropractor for my aches and pains. I even tried a few sessions of acupuncture, but the doctors were not paying attention or interested in my problems. The pain, stress and depression continued to set in even deeper to the point I was unable to function. I wasn’t myself anymore, I suffered from my facial pain, headaches, neck aches, restless legs, muscle spasms, no energy, bloating and cramping. If you could name it I was suffering from it.
After everything, my husband and I decided we needed a change in pace. We decided to move and relocate our family and our business to Central Florida in August of 2005. Upon arrival in Central Florida my symptoms worsened. I continued with my issues and kept going to my general physician. I was diagnosed with h-pylori bacteria. I was treated for two months, but I continued showing al the symptoms: stomach aches, bloating, cramping, sleepiness, excessive hunger, severe backaches, headaches, numbness in my hands and arms, and facial pain. Just about anything you could think of was happening. My description was even stronger now. I had to find someone who could help me. In October 2005 I opened my insurance provider’s book and decided to give chiropractic treatment another chance to fix my aching back. For some unknown reason I was drawn to Dr. Gaffney’s name. I called and scheduled with him right away. After meeting with him, I immediately began treatment. Doc was God Sent. My back was so much better, my headaches were less, and my neck did not ache 24/7 anymore. It was a miracle. Halfway through my treatment schedule I mentioned to Doc that I was still having problems with my stomach, numbness in my face, shortness of breath, facial pain, and intolerance to food. I practically could not eat anything, be in the bright sun, or go anywhere that had a lot of smoke or dust. Every time I ate, I was forced to take a two-hour nap just to recover. No matter how long I napped I was still exhausted. Doc kept insisting that I see Rusty. Eventually in July 2006 I finally listened to him. I could not bear to feel this way anymore even though my back was much better. My hands and arms were no longer numb, my headaches were diminishing, but my overall well ness was still not in sync, I was at my wits end.
At my first meeting with Rusty, she immediately noticed. I did not have to say anything. She read my face, my eyes and my aura. Rusty immediately had me fill out a questionnaire and she ran a sensitivity test. She told me, I was one of the worst individuals that she has ever seen. My journey to recovery finally began. Treatment started immediately. I was seeing her three times weekly for sensitivity treatment. I also used a Detox kit for approximately three months. I took AcuSet, sometimes for the redness in my eyes, and several vitamins daily. The first time I took the vitamins I could not believe the feeling that passed over me. I was so energetic, so full of life; it was like my quest for health was finally coming to an end. My initial treatments are now over and I am in my maintenance stage of my treatment. My outlook now is nothing but positive. I believe that I was sent to Central Florida to find my ANGLES. Both Dr. Gaffney and Rusty have been “my angels”. There are no words or feelings to describe my appreciation and gratefulness to those two individuals. My appreciation for their knowledge and charisma is immeasurable. I can only be an advocate to others whom are in the same situation. Dr. Gaffney and Rusty, again THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME BACK MY LIFE!
Yours truly, Mrs. C., June, 2009