Thank God for your dusty boots on this earth. You preceded yourself in the testament of my Dad, who had had treatment by you using the NAET program. He had told me of his success and I had just about reached my limit on this old planet, chronic sinus infection (not ending after two surgeries), spiking blood pressure, headaches, chronic stomach distress and intestinal chaos. Life had moved way fast, pressure was an everyday experience. Trauma, of some sort, daily venture, I just didn’t know where to turn next; all I was getting from the medical community was treatment for symptoms.
When I knew I had some days off, my Dad set up an appointment for me the day after arriving from Spokane, WA we came in to see you. The testing verified that I was consumed with chronic hidden allergies; in fact you made a statement that I had more allergies than anyone you had treated so far. We began an expedited treatment plan over the duration of the time I was going to be in DeLand, twice a day, with a very overlapped schedule. It was soon apparent, there would be no “shop till you drop” time or meals out. The dietary restriction with an overlap schedule was a testament in patience, and sometimes a mind boggler, (would make a wonderful computer game), but thanks to the perseverance of my Dad double checking, what I could have, we climb the Mt. Everest of allergens and with a body so tired it required sometimes two naps a day, we passed test after test, sometimes repeating an item or two but for the most part, put to rest all of those nasty allergens that were robbing me of a life. Seven days later, every one of them showed between 8-11. Those may still settle down. For a beginning point of most items out of 77, running a gambit up to 22, I was amazed, and pleased. Each day I felt better, had more energy, could actually eat without a very severe stomach upset within 20 minutes, or running for the “little people’s room”. I can tell you, I am one Happy Camper!! I can’t wait to tell others about this program. I only wish you were closer, Rusty, I would love for you to be getting all the business. You have been a lifesaver!!!
Thank You for Quality Life, G.C.