![In our clinic, we are seeing a lot of problems associated with the Heart Meridian: insomnia, palpitations [fast heart rate], dizziness and that out-of-sorts feeling.](https://acudebra.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/MC900438743-300x225.jpg)
In our clinic, we are seeing a lot of problems associated with the Heart Meridian: insomnia, palpitations [fast heart rate], dizziness and that out-of-sorts feeling.
One of the meridians governed by Summer is the Heart Meridian. In our clinic, we are seeing a lot of problems associated with the Heart Meridian: insomnia, palpitations [fast heart rate], dizziness and that out-of-sorts feeling. If you are experiencing that out-of-sorts, hot, agitated, and ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me’ feeling that usually happens in the heat of the summer, come see us — Acupuncture can help. We have been hearing these comments earlier than usual this season.
In addition, the barometric pressure from storms can cause people to feel joint pain and/or tightness around the head, with a mild headache. Keep in mind that Acupuncture helps to make those symptoms go away.
We have also seen more Summer Colds; this is due to the long cold, damp and rainy winter we experienced. So please come in for your tune-ups!
People sometimes say, “I thought it would go away.” And I like to ask, “Where did you think it would go?” Inflammation, the basis of most pain, doesn’t pick up and leave your body to go visit someone else.
Inflammation interferes with your normal balance of QI, Yin, and Blood. Balance is what gives us that internal harmony and creates the health you so rightly deserve. Experiencing health and balance is the normal way to live – living in pain is NOT.