A few years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a statement regarding prescription painkillers (for further information and verification visit their website.) This information is still important as we see patients every day taking the medicines but are still in pain.
The warning that’s linked above states that prescription painkiller overdoses are at epidemic levels and kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined. The death toll from overdoses of prescription medicines has more than tripled in the last decade. Every day, more than three dozen people die from the prescribed painkillers, including hydrocodone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and methadone.
I understand how living with chronic pain can be debilitating and depleting on all levels of life. With the use of Acupuncture, our clinic has helped many people become pain-free. I never take a patient off of their medications because I am not a medical doctor, but I can work with your physician to help reduce or eliminate the dependency of pain medications.
The treatments usually take about eight visits (around two months, sometimes less). In that time, your quality of life will be greatly improved. Acupuncture offers an alternative to support healing without an ongoing dependency on prescription painkillers. If you or a loved one has a challenge with chronic pain, please ask us…we can help.