Right now, we are halfway through autumn – the season for the Lung/Large Intestine Meridian. The good news is we have been treating fewer sore throats, sinus symptoms, and bowel problems this season than last year around this time, and what we have been treating is not as severe. That’s wonderful!

I believe it’s because more of you are getting your tune-ups and taking your supplements. Remember: It is really important to get your Acupuncture treatment every three months, too. The whole immune system is easily strengthened by Acupuncture and nutrition, working harmoniously together.

For those of you that have problems with colds, sinus congestion or running noses with sneezing, we can help. We have a complete homeopathic pharmacy for all of these! And, I’m happy to say we are able to shorten the duration of symptoms and alleviate the pain quicker with Acupuncture and homeopathy. In some cases, patients we eliminated the symptoms within four hours! Call for your appointment as soon as possible at 386-734-4126. You don’t have to have a treatment at the same time, it’s just a great idea to do so if you can. (PS – If you feel you may be getting a sore throat, gargle with warm saltwater with the first inkling of it. If there is phlegm, slice a lemon, put salt on it and suck on the slice quickly.)

November is here, and I know it’s the beginning of a stressful time for most people. My advice is that you try not to listen to the news. Truly, if you really need to know something, someone will tell you. Remember, too, that Acupuncture can help you cope with the craziness of the holidays. Make a choice to not go crazy!

Control your stress with deep breathing. First, take a deep breath count to four – hold it for the count of four and release it for a count of four. Do this again. Breathing like this will relieve your symptoms of stress.  Nothing is more important than good health.  With good health, you CAN cope with anything!

And of course, we tend to overeat starting now to January 1st. Did you know the average American gains more than seven pounds each year and usually doesn’t lose it? This doesn’t have to be you! Change your behaviors and make better choices.

Don’t forget about the “No Grain” diet I recommend. I favor the No Grain diet for three weeks at a time. You can start now and in three weeks when Thanksgiving comes, eat a moderate amount of your favorite things. Then, resume the “No Grains” diet December 1, and by Christmas, you can add grains.  (By now you will find your carb cravings are a lot less.)  Start again on January 2nd, and after three weeks, pay attention to how you feel without the grains – many people have less pain and lose weight with more energy. Start enjoying the No Grain diet!

Dr. Rusty