1. As a rule, don’t drink fruit juices.

2. Have you noticed all orange juice is the same color and flavor?
Additives and colorings are used. If you juice oranges, they are different in color and flavor.

3. In nature, we would never eat 8 oranges or apples at a time.
That is how much is in 1 glass of juice. That is a lot of sugar (fructose) and very little fiber.

4. Eating a whole piece of fruit takes time, more chewing, more fiber and is more satisfying.

5. Veggie juices with one fruit at the most (low Glycemic fruits) are ok.

6. Drink water with coconut water in it for the electrolytes.

7. 1 apple has 44 calories of sugar. A can of soda has 80 calories of sugar. If you juice 2 apples you get as much sugar as a can of soda.

8. Fructose goes to the liver for processing, converts to fat and is sent to out fat cells. Eating 1 apple which has pectin/fiber takes longer and is easier for the body to handle. Fructose can damage the liver in the same way alcohol does. It turns to fat not cellular energy like glucose.

9. Over the years our body becomes insulin resistant – having to process all sugars and we increase the storage of fat. The more sugar we eat the more our body has to release insulin and then fat is stored. Carbs are broken down during digestion, sugar gets into your blood, and your pancreas increases its output of insulin so glucose can get into your cells. Glucose is the correct sugar for our body to use.

10. Fatty liver disease is a result of this process over years.

11. Veggies are carbs – they just get processed in a different way.
The water and fiber don’t affect the blood sugar the same way.

12. In the 1700s we ate 4 lbs of sugar a year. Today, 25% of Americans eat over 134 grams of sugar a day.

13. Eat 13 grams of Fructose or less a day.

14. Eating fruit does not satisfy us as eating high protein or fatty foods.

15. The hypothalamus gland helps us feel full. Eating fructose may program us to consume more calories. Fructose triggers hunger pains.