I’m Back and Healthy!
Yes, I am human! As with all humans when we don’t eat right (not my usual 7 servings of veggies and eating grains for 2 months), not getting 7 hours of sleep a night, overstressed about a BIG project (prepared and spoke to the Florida Chiropractic Association Chiropractors who are certified in Acupuncture) plus all the other extra activities and studies. I not only burned the candle at both ends – I chopped it up and burned all of the ends. So, I got bronchitis. First time in years I got sick. Sadly I was not available to my patients – I promise to go back to my usual healthy lifestyle.
I treated myself with homeopathic, nutrition, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture. I healed quickly except got a terrible cough – that’s why I did not go to the clinic. I could have started a one-woman epidemic in town. I advised my patients to stay home and in bed for a few days when they are sick. The body will put you there if you don’t take care of it.
I had the chance to try the wonderful healing products I have for a cough, sore throat, fever, sinus congestion, etc. and they work! The cost is low even with an Acupuncture treatment. I have always encouraged my patients to come in when they are sick – Acupuncture shortens the illness and symptoms. And I will continue to encourage you to call at the first signs. I did not “catch” this – I just let “me” get run down.
New Staff Member
Christine Domingus has been with us for 3 months now and we’ve agreed to continue our relationship. Christine is positive, loving, and smart and we are happy to have her on staff. She works so well with Casey. If you have any problems with an old bill or any questions, please call Christine at 386.734.4126. She will be happy to help you.
Antibiotics and Gut Flora
We all know you have to take probiotics after a course of antibiotics. What we did not know till recently is that it takes years to repopulate the gut fully after the course of antibiotics. Also, the most used Z-Pack has been found to be very dangerous to some people – you don’t know if that’s you either. – please check out Wednesday’s article on this very subject.
Sending Happy Easter and Happy Spring thoughts to all of you! The warm sunny weather will make all of us feel better.
Fondly, Dr. Rusy
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Debra Gaffney, A.P., C.C.P.A., D.O.M. is a healer in the true sense of the word. Her foundation is in Oriental medicine, including acupuncture and herbology. Upon that base, she built a healing practice that incorporates her extensive experience with nutrition, homeopathy, and other natural health-supporting approaches. Debra is relentless in her pursuit of knowledge in health and the healing arts.
Special of the month – please mention this newsletter discount – 15% off all probiotics.
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Expanded Hours
We are seeing patients later. We will take patients up to 5:30 – so come straight from work. Remember our goal is to “Get you healthy and keep you healthy.”
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