I know I’m not talking to you, but maybe you know someone who needs to learn how food, supplements, clean air, exercise, and Acupuncture keep us healthy. And if you do need help, there’s no judgment. Most of us gained weight and ate poorly during those first six weeks of the pandemic. Me too—and I quickly changed my ways.

The World has Changed

We know the world has changed when medical doctors start telling people they need to eat more veggies. This is something health care providers in the “alternative health care“ field have been saying for over a century. At last, they get it and learned from this pandemic that we must take responsibility for our health.

A patient asked me for the name of an expert that could help them with nutrition and diet. I gave her my name, “Debra Pardee” I thought everyone knew that is what I do. I have studied nutrition since before I could read (I have the picture in my office to prove that). Then I decided I needed to get a formal education back in the ’80s.

Nutrition and diet are so individual—everyone needs help and I’m available for you. And now read on and I’ll give you a fun food game that can change your life in 21 days and yes, it is FUN! This can help you have fun in the kitchen again. Call me for help with this I’d be glad to work with you.

How to Change Your Life in 21 Days

DAY 1 Try one new veggie

Day 2 Use dried fruits for your treats (just 4 pieces or 10 raisins)

Day 3 Put cheese on broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes

Day 4 Roast onions, beets, Brussel sprouts, carrots

Day 5 Make a fruit salad

Day 6 Use spaghetti squash or zucchini spirals instead of pasta.

Day 7 Use little red potatoes, top with broccoli and cheese

Day 8 Make a salad without lettuce, use frozen peas and carrots

Day 9 Add fruit to granola or oatmeal or gluten-free cereal

Day 10 Use salsa for a dip with any chip but flour crackers

Day 11 Try veggie chips—beets are sweet

Day 12 Make a fresh veggie soup, use prepared organic chicken, beef or veggie broth, and add fresh cut up veggies and frozen ones

Day 13 Add chopped veggies to your pizza, peppers and onions do count

Day 14 Add veggies to omelets—spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli are good; add cheese 

Day 15 Have fruit with your eggs

Day 16 Cook apples, sweeten with honey, add cinnamon

Day 17 V8 or tomato juice—low sodium, add lemon juice and hot sauce if you like 

Day 18 Freeze strawberries, grapes, and bananas for a super treat

Day 19 Try riced cauliflower or veggie “burgers”

Day 20 Make stuffed peppers with extra tomato sauce and add onions

Day 21 Potato salad—add celery, green onions, and peppers, grated carrots.

Maintain Great Health with These Basics

Eat protein: 4-6 servings per day. That’s eggs, dairy nuts, seeds, beef, chicken, quinoa, fish, and legumes if you can. I can help modify that for you to suit your needs.

Veggies: 7-9 servings per day. A serving is about the size of the palm of your hand. I don’t count lettuce, corn, or potatoes.

Fruit: 2 servings per day

Oils & fats: 3-4 servings per day. Avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, and real butter.

Water: 6 – 8oz glasses a day. That’s tricky if we drink too much, we lose valuable minerals. If we don’t drink enough, we are dehydrated and then that causes a lot more problems including dry eyes and joint pain. If you are thirsty, you are past being dehydrated.

I love coconut water; it brings me back quickly after I am overheated and sweating.

Grains: You know me, I don’t think gluten grains are a good idea, however, you can use gluten-free “grains”. If you buy gluten-free watch the sugar in it. Quinoa is not a grain but a seed and is a complete protein; that’s valuable! These are just a few things you can do tomorrow—it takes a bit of planning, but it’s worth it.